Kristie Prinz is currently accepting new legal and consulting clients. If you want to hear more about her services or seek a consultation, please schedule an appointment. Alternatively, please contact her  through the contact form below.  Kristie's main business office is in Silicon Valley and she also has remote satellite locations at the addresses listed below.  Kristie's standard practice is to conduct remote meetings but clients may reserve meetings with her in-person at her main business office or satellite locations.

Silicon Valley Office:

84 W. Santa Clara, Suite 700
San Jose, CA  95113

East Bay Office

1990 N. California Blvd. 8th Floor
Walnut Creek, CA  94596

San Diego Office:

4225 Executive Square, Suite 600
La Jolla, CA  92037

Orange County Office: 

18012 Cowan
Irvine, CA 92612


Kristie welcomes feedback on her programs, events, industry groups, and blog postings as well as tips or suggestions.

If you have feedback, a comment, a tip, or a suggestion that you want to pass along to Kristie, then please write her at We recommend that you address any such emails in the header as RE: KRISTIE PRINZ WEBSITE. She receives a large volume of emails each week and apologizes in advance if she is unable to respond to your email in a timely fashion.

In the alternative, you may write Kristie directly at The Prinz Law Office, 117 Bernal Rd., Suite 70-110, San Jose, CA 95119.


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Kristie generally responds within 24 hours of receiving any inquiry.  If you do not receive a response to a business inquiry within 24 hours, please contact her directly by email at

Any mail to Kristie should be directed to her mailing address at 117 Bernal Rd., Suite 70-110, San Jose, CA  95119.