Challenging the Silicon Valley Belief in the Necessity of Venture Capital

I would argue that there is a widely held belief among entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley that you can’t build a successful company without venture capital money.  However, the average company in Silicon Valley or the rest of the United States never receives an investment of venture capital.  Are the companies launched without an investment of…

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Do entrepreneurs focus excessively on landing venture capital?

In my work with entrepreneurs and new business ventures, I am often surprised to find how many of them are convinced that they cannot build a business without venture capital financing and how few of them have even considered the idea that there might be very good reasons why they should not pursue venture capital…

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Tax Considerations to Contemplate in Structuring Start-up Business

If you are contemplating how to structure your new business as an entrepreneur, you may want to think ahead to the day when you will be able to sell off the business you have built and consider the linked article below which discusses the tax consequences of selling a small business: Tax Death When Selling…

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Has Your Start-Up Lost its Focus Over Financing?

As anyone who has ever started a business well knows, one of the great challenges is to stay on focus and avoid distractions that create barriers to your success.  But in Silicon Valley, it is not uncommon at all to see entrepreneurs who seem to have lost their focus and who are chasing goals other…

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What Makes a Successful Start-up?

This is an interesting Forbes opinion piece on what makes the few start-ups that succeed different than the majority that fail.  As a lawyer representing many entrepreneurs and start-ups, I think understanding the market and having a good grasp of how to market to potential customers is critical.  I also think that you have to…

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