Silicon Valley Software & Technology Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Present Webinar on “Negotiating SaaS Contracts”

Software and Technology Lawyer Kristie Prinz will be present a webinar on “Negotiating SaaS Contracts: Drafting Key Contract Provisions, Protecting Customer and Vendor Interests” on October 26, 2018 for Clear Law Institute. The Prinz Law Office has issued a press release announcing the upcoming webinar, which is linked here. To register for the event, sign…

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Silicon Valley Software Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Speak on “Negotiating SaaS Agreements: Drafting Key Contract Provisions, Protecting Customer and Vendor Interests”

Silicon Valley Software Lawyer Kristie Prinz will be co-presenting a webinar on “Negotiating SaaS Agreements: Drafting Key Contract Provisions, Protecting Customer and Vendor Interests” with Kelley Miller of Reed Smith on August 8, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. PST/1:00 p.m. EDT. To register for this webinar, please sign up at:

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FTC Announces Order Against San Francisco Software Company

The FTC has today announced its final order in its case against the San Francisco Software company Vulcan over its business practices in distributing its software product and advertising and promotional activities in connection with the product.  The FTC clearly put software companies on notice again that the government is carefully monitoring their business practices…

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Microsoft Launches New Constitutional Challenge Against Alleged Federal Government Searches of Customer Data in Cloud

Microsoft has launched a new constitutional challenge against the government over its use of indefinite gag orders when it subpoenas information from customer cloud accounts.  Microsoft is claiming that the orders violate the First Amendment free speech rights and the Fourth Amendment rights regarding unreasonable government search and seizure of property.  Clearly, this action by…

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Does a Start-up Need to Be Based in Silicon Valley to be Successful?

Does a start-up have the best chance to succeed if based in Silicon Valley?  Or would the same start-up be just as successful, if not more successful, if it were based somewhere else?  This firm has developed a large client base supporting start-ups and tech-focused small businesses outside of Silicon Valley, so we have personal…

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Applying Lessons From the Downturn to Run a Better Business Today

If you ran a business through the downturn as I did, then you probably experience the same nervousness that I do whenever you hear bad economic news or poor economic forecasts.  However, whether you are building a business or a law practice, it’s important to recognize that many of the lessons we learned in surviving…

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FBI Unlocks Terrorist iPhone Without Apple’s Help, Ending Encryption Dispute

The U.S. Justice Department has announced that the third party who came forward and convinced the FBI that it could unlock the San Bernardino terrorist’s encrypted iPhone successfully unlocked the encrypted iPhone, ending the standoff between Apple and the FBI.  The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog provided an update on the developments below: Third Party…

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Department of Justice Reverses Course on Apple Encryption Case

The Department of Justice appeared to be reversing course in its case against Apple this afternoon, when it filed a motion to vacate the hearing scheduled for tomorrow in order to explore a possible method of decrypting the terrorist iPhone at issue proposed by a third party over the weekend.  I have written more about…

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FBI vs. Apple: Who Will Come out the Winner in this Dispute?

When the Justice Department decided to wage a legal battle against Apple over encryption on the iPhone of one of San Bernardino terrorists, the government moved the encryption debate into the public arena and triggered a public debate over the issue.  Now, it is reported that the government is considering launching a second case over…

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Do entrepreneurs focus excessively on landing venture capital?

In my work with entrepreneurs and new business ventures, I am often surprised to find how many of them are convinced that they cannot build a business without venture capital financing and how few of them have even considered the idea that there might be very good reasons why they should not pursue venture capital…

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Is Silicon Valley the Land of Opportunity for Women as well as Men?

Regardless of your perspective on whether or not Silicon Valley is the land of opportunity for women as well as men, a thought-provoking article was just published by Newsweek about how women perceived in Silicon Valley that is worth taking a look at. It is already the source of considerable commentary on the web, as…

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