Ironic Practice of the Unauthorized Commercialization of Attorney Content

Have you ever wondered why there are so many business models being developed today that seem to rely entirely on commercializing legal content created by lawyers, generally without the prior authorization of the attorney or law firm that created it?  I suspect that nearly every lawyer that gives speeches or writes content to build his…

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Choose the Name of your Start-Up Wisely

When you decide to start a business, or get “pushed” into it as many people are when their salaried job suddenly disappears, it’s easy to overlook the importance of choosing a name among all the other decisions you are having to make.  In my recent blog post to Silicon Valley IP Law Blog, I addressed…

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Implications of FCC Net Neutrality Rules on Software Industry

The topic of net neutrality has been the subject of controversy for months, but the FCC has recently taken this debate to a new level by adopting new rules that will allow it greater regulatory authority over the Internet.   What does this mean exactly for the public generally and for the business world?  I’ve explained…

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Has Your Start-Up Lost its Focus Over Financing?

As anyone who has ever started a business well knows, one of the great challenges is to stay on focus and avoid distractions that create barriers to your success.  But in Silicon Valley, it is not uncommon at all to see entrepreneurs who seem to have lost their focus and who are chasing goals other…

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The Perils of Cutting the Wrong Legal Corners

Does your company make a point of not consulting outside counsel on pricing and payment terms in its contracts in an effort to save money on legal fees?  If so, you might end up costing the company more money in legal fees than you would otherwise.  I looked at this issue in my recent blog…

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