It Pays to be Cautious When Asked to Sign a Contract with an Employer

As a Silicon Valley tech transactions attorney, I regularly receive calls from engineers, developers, and other employees in the technology industry who have concerns about something that an employer has asked them to sign in the past or is asking them to sign at the time of the call.  Inevitably the person calling is torn…

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California Legislators Contemplating New Regulation of Drones

The increasing popularity of drones apparently has caught the attention of CA lawmakers, who have just introduced SB 142, which would prohibit the unauthorized use of unmanned aerial vehicles over private property.  I guess my question is what to do with all the child-sized violators, who accidentally run the new toy drones that they received…

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Is Another Tech Bubble Emerging in Silicon Valley?

A debate seems to be developing as to whether or not the Silicon Valley has a tech bubble emerging.  An increasing number of commentators are raising issues about tech company valuations, spending by VC-backed companies, and the excess of capital in the market.  The question  for all of us is what this means exactly for…

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